Profile de dilatatie metalice pentru pardoseli VEDA Expansion joint (all metal)
All metal floor expansion joint Special heavy duty
Serie TM / 20 - 30
All metal floor expansion joint for exterior and interior use, made of 2 drilled aluminium side plates and an aluminium central part, allowing expansion and contraction of the joint. The profiles are supplied in length of 4 meters. The serie TM / 20-30 is available for joints widths up to 20 mm and is adapted to traffic of heavy vehicles.
Available models : floor to floor or floor to wall
Fb [mm] H [mm] S [mm] B [mm] Movement [mm]
20 20 / 50 30 127 ±3
The serie TM / 20-30 is suitable for the traffic of forklifts truck and transpallet with pneumatic or steel tyres, up to a maximum load of 8 kg/mm² with tread surface of 10 x 10 cm.
For installation, use 7 mechanical or chemical fixings every linear meter (1 every 30 cm), alternately on each side of the profile.
© GV2 - 2010 - Tous droits réservés - All rights reserved
- GV2/VEDA France - 52, avenue marcel Paul - 93297 Tremblay en France Cedex - Tel
: 33 (0)1 48 61 70 80 - Fax : 33 (0)1 48 61 70 81 E-mail : - web :
Edition September 2010
Industrial floor joint
Série SI / 15
stainless steel
galvanized steel
SI / 15 F
Profile number Fb [mm] Gap up to H [mm] B [mm] S [mm] Accomodation of movement(mm) Fixing Material Standard length [lm] Load bearing capacity [kN] Fixing ties SI / 15 F
SI / 15 S
SI / 15 S 15 30 145 75 20 [ - 15 / + 5 ] Embedding ties
Galvanized steel side plates or stainless steel 304 and cover part made of galvanized steel, brass or stainless steel 304 or 316 6
7500 kg by axle
Edition March 2010
Expansion joint especially designed to resist to heavy duties : trucks, forklifts, etc... This profile is available with galvanized steel side plates and cover plate made of galvanized steel, brass or stainless steel 304 (or 316. It is also available with side plates made of stainless steel 316 and 304 or 316 stainless coverplate.
This pro
file is available with fixing ties or with embedding ties.
All industrials applications, railway stations, airports, commercial centers...
© GV2 - 2010 - Tous droits réservés - All rights reserved
- GV2/VEDA FRANCE - 52, avenue Marcel Paul - 93297 Tremblay en France Cedex - Tel : 33 (0)1 48 61 70 80 - Fax : 33 (0)1 48 61 70 81 E-mail : - web :
Joint de dilatation de sol tout métal All metal floor expansion joint
Série 424/N
Pare vapeur sur demande Vapour barrier on request
Le pare vapeur peut être livré en une seule pièce de la longueur exacte du joint de dilatation, sans raccords. The vapour barrier can be delivered separately in one length on request (no interruption at butt joints).
Sol - sol
W± Fb
floor to floor
Référence / Profile number Fb [mm] ouverture / Gap up to H [mm] hauteur / Depth B [mm] approx. S [mm] approx. Mouvement admissible W [mm] Accomodation of movement W [mm] Couleur / Color Ma
tière / Material Longueur standard [m] / Standard length [m] Charge [kN] Load-bearing capacity [kN]
424 / N-035 35 30 155 155 12 [ ± 6 ] naturel / natural aluminium / aluminium 4
424 / N-050 50 30 170 170
Edition Octobre 2010
16 [ ± 8 ]
© GV2 - 2010 - Tous droits réservés - All rights reserved
- GV2/VEDA FRANCE - 52, avenue Marcel Paul - 93297 Tremblay en France Cedex - Tel : 33 (0)1 48 61 70 80 - Fax : 33 (0)1 48 61 70 81 E-mail : - web :
Joint de dilatation de sol tout métal All metal floor expansion joint
Série 426/N
Joint de dilatation de sol tout métal pour extérieur et intérieur. Spécial passage de charges lourdes. Parasismique. Existe en version sol/sol et sol/mur.
Profilé rapporté Surface mounted profile
All metal floor seismic expansion joint for exterior and interior use. Heavy duty. Floor/floor and floor/wall models are available.
sol/sol floor/floor sol/mur
w± H
Fb Pare vapeur * Vapour barr
ier w±
Référence / Profile number Fb [mm] ouverture / Gap up to H [mm] hauteur / Depth B [mm] approx. S [mm] approx. Mouvement admissible W [mm] Accomodation of movement W [mm] Couleur / color Matière / Material Longueur standard [m] / Standard length [m] Charge [kN] Load-bearing capacity [kN] NG = Surface lisse / smooth surface
426 / NG-070 70
426 / NR-070 70 43
426 / NR-100 100
175 175 10 [ ± 5 ]
175 175 10 [ ± 5 ] naturel / natural aluminium / aluminium 4
200 200 20 [ ± 10 ]
NR = Surface antidérapante / rough surface
* Le pare vapeur peut être livré en une seule pièce de la longueur exacte du joint de dilatation, sans raccord.
* The vapour barrier can be delivered separately in one length on request (no interruption at butt joints).
© GV2 - 2010 - Tous droits réservés - All rights reserved
- GV2/VEDA FRANCE - 52, avenue Marcel Paul - 93297 Tremblay en France Cedex - Tel : 33 (0)1 48 61 70 80 - Fax : 33 (0)1 48 61 70 81 E-mail : contact@v - web :
Edition Mars 2010
Joint de dilatation de sol tout métal All metal Áoor expansion joint
Série 426
Joint de dilatation de sol tout métal pour extérieur et intérieur. Spécial passage de charges lourdes. Parasismique. Existe en versions sol/sol et sol/mur.
ProÀlé encastré Embedded proÀle
All metal Áoor seismic expansion joint for exterior and interior use. Heavy duty.
w± S
Floor to Áoor and Áoor to wall models are available.
Pare vapeur * Vapour barrier Fb B w±
Fb B
Áoor to Áoor
Áoor to wall
Référence / ProÀle number Fb [mm] ouverture / Gap up to H [mm] hauteur / Depth B [mm] approx. S [mm] approx. Mouvement admissible W [mm] Accomodation of movement W [mm] Couleur / color Matière / Material Longueur standard [m] / Standard length [m] Charge [kN] Load-bearing capacity [kN] G = Surface lisse / smooth surface
426 / G-040 40
426 / G-065 65 20
426 / G-100 100
426 / R-050 50
426 / R-080 80
/ R-100 100
43 / 48* / 58 / 63* / 68 / 88 / 108 230 130 30 [ ± 15 ] 155 / 175* 70 10 [ ± 5 ] 180 / 200* 95 20 [ ± 10 ] 225 / 245* 135 30 [ ± 15 ]
160 60 10 [ ± 5 ]
190 90 20 [ ± 10 ]
naturel / natural aluminium / aluminium 4
46kN 31kN 69kN 90kN 31kN Edition Janvier 2011
R = Surface antidérapante / rough surface
Le pare vapeur peut être livré en une seule pièce de la longueur exacte du joint de dilatation, sans raccords.
Vapour barrier can be delivered separately in one length on request (no interruption at butt joints).
© GV2 - 2010 - Tous droits réservés - All rights reserved
* Les hauteurs [H] avec astérisque correspondent aux largeurs [B] avec astérisque. * [H] value marked with an asterisk corresponds to [B] value also marked with an asterisk.
- GV2/VEDA FRANCE - 52, avenue Marcel Paul - 93297 Tremblay en France Cedex - Tel : 33 (0)1 48 61 70 80 - Fax : 33 (0)1 48 61 70 81 E-mail : - web :
Joint de d
ilatation de sol tout métal All metal floor expansion joint
Série 427
Joint de dilatation de sol tout métal pour extérieur et intérieur. Spécial passage de charges lourdes. Parasismique.
Profilé encastré Embedded profile
All metal floor seismic expansion joint for exterior and interior use. Heavy duty.
Pare vapeur * Vapour barrier
Sur demande, h > 18,5 mm On request, h > 18,5 mm
S S H H w± Fb B
Fb B
Référence / Profile number Fb [mm] ouverture / Gap up to H [mm] hauteur / Depth B [mm] approx. S [mm] approx. Mouvement admissible W [mm] Accomodation of movement W [mm] Couleur / color Matière / Material Longueur standard [m] / Standard length [m] Charge [kN] Load-bearing capacity [kN] G = Surface lisse / smooth surface
427 / G-040 40
427 / R-065 65 18,5 / 32 / 45,5
427 / R-100 100
197 70 10 [ ± 5 ]
228 70 20 [ ± 10 ] naturel / natural
265 135 30 [ ± 15 ]
R = Surface antidérapante / rough surface
* Le pare vapeur peut être livré en une seule pi
ce de la longueur exacte du joint de dilatation, sans raccords.
* The vapour barrier can be delivered separately in one length on request (no interruption at butt joints).
© GV2 - 2010 - Tous droits réservés - All rights reserved
- GV2/VEDA FRANCE - 52, avenue Marcel Paul - 93297 Tremblay en France Cedex - Tel : 33 (0)1 48 61 70 80 - Fax : 33 (0)1 48 61 70 81 E-mail : - web :
Edition Mars 2010
aluminium / aluminium
All metal floor expansion joint Special heavy duty
Series TM / 60-80 / 80-110
All metal floor expansion joint for exterior and interior use, made of 2 drilled aluminium side plates allowing expansion and contraction of the joint as well as vertical movement and unlimited shearing movement. Aluminium side plates are supplied in length of 4 meters.
S mm H mm Fb mm B mm
The serie TM / 60-80 is suitable for the traffic of forklifts truck and transpallet with pneumatic or steel tyres, up to a maximum load of 6,5 kg/mm² wit
h tread surface of 10 x 10 cm.
Profile number Fb [mm] H [mm] S [mm] B [mm] Movement [mm]
TM / 60-80 60 18 / 35 / 50 / 80 80 195 ± 15 horizontal / ± 6 vertical
TM / 80-110 80 50 110 250
Edition September 2010
± 20 horizontal / ± 5 vertical
The profile is supplied pre-fitted with aluminium clamps that should only be removed after positioning and fixing the joint itself. For installation, use 7 mechanical or chemical fixings every linear meter (1 every 30 cm), alternately on each side of the profile.
© GV2 - 2010 - Tous droits réservés - All rights reserved
- GV2/VEDA France - 52, avenue marcel Paul - 93297 Tremblay en France Cedex - Tel : 33 (0)1 48 61 70 80 - Fax : 33 (0)1 48 61 70 81 E-mail : - web :
Joint sismique extra large tout métal All metal extra large seismic floor joint
Série 810
Joint de dilatation de sol tout métal extra large pour extérieur et intérieur. Parasismique. Existe en version sol/sol et sol/mur.
Aluminium strié antidérapant Rough surface
Profilé encastré sol/sol Floor to floor embedded profile
All metal extra large seismic structural movement joint for exterior and interior use. Floor/floor and floor/wall
Sur demande / On request
profiles are available.
Fb B
Disponible aussi en version sol/mur Floor to wall model also available
sol/sol - floor/floor
Référence / Profile number Fb [mm] ouverture / Gap up to H [mm] hauteur / Depth B [mm] approx. S [mm] approx. Mouvement admissible W [mm] Accomodation of movement W [mm] Couleur / color Matière / Material Longueur standard [m] / Standard length [m] Charge [kN] Load-bearing capacity [kN]
810 - 135 135
810 - 210 210
810 - 250 250
810 - 340 340
43 / 48 / 58 / 63 / 68 / 88 255 165 40 [-20+20] 340 250 100 [-50+50] 370 280 120 [-60+60] 465 375 150 [-75+75]
Edition Mars 2010
naturel / natural aluminium / aluminium 4 piétons / pedestrians
© GV2 - 2010 - Tous droits réservés - All rights reserved
- G
V2/VEDA FRANCE - 52, avenue Marcel Paul - 93297 Tremblay en France Cedex - Tel : 33 (0)1 48 61 70 80 - Fax : 33 (0)1 48 61 70 81 E-mail : - web :
Joint sismique extra large tout métal All metal extra large seismic floor joint
Série 820
Joint de dilatation de sol tout métal extra large pour extérieur et intérieur. Parasismique. Existe en version sol/sol et sol/mur.
Profilé encastré sol/sol Floor to floor embedded profile
Sur demande / On request
All metal extra large seismic structural movement joint for exterior and interior use. Floor/floor and floor/wall profiles are available.
Fb B
Disponible aussi en version sol/mur Floor to wall model also available
sol/sol - floor/floor
Référence / Profile number Fb [mm] ouverture / Gap up to H [mm] hauteur / Depth B [mm] approx. S [mm] approx. Mouvement admissible W [mm] Accomodation of movement W [mm] Couleur / color Matière / Material Longueur standard [m] / Stan
dard length [m] Charge [kN] Load-bearing capacity [kN]
820 - 135 135
820 - 210 210 32 / 45,5
820 - 250 250
820 - 340 340
255 195 40 [-20+20]
380 280 100 [-50+50]
410 310 120 [-60+60]
505 405 150[-75+75]
naturel / natural
Edition Mars 2010
aluminium / aluminium 4 piétons / pedestrians
© GV2 - 2010 - Tous droits réservés - All rights reserved
- GV2/VEDA FRANCE - 52, avenue Marcel Paul - 93297 Tremblay en France Cedex - Tel : 33 (0)1 48 61 70 80 - Fax : 33 (0)1 48 61 70 81 E-mail : - web :
Joint de dilatation de sol tout métal Charges très lourdes All metal Áoor expansion joint, heavy duty
Série TM / SI
Joint de dilatation de sol tout aluminium pour extérieur et intérieur permettant les mouvements de dilatation et de contraction.
Floor expansion joint for exterior and interior use allowing expansion and contraction of the joint.
S = B mm H mm
Fb mm
Pro¿lé adapté au passage de chariots élévateurs à pneus jusqu
à un poids de 60 kN et à petites roues en vulkollan jusqu’à un poids de 30 kN. The series TM / SI is suitable for a traf¿c of fork lift trucks with tyres up to a maximum load of 60 kN and with small vulkollan wheels up to a maximum load of 30 kN.
Référence / ProÀle number Fb [mm] ouverture / Gap up to H [mm] hauteur / Depth B [mm] approx. S [mm] approx. Mouvement admissible W [mm] Accomodation of movement W [mm] Couleur / Color Matière / Material Longueur standard [m] / Standard length [m] Charge [kN] Load-bearing capacity [kN] TM / SI - 50 50 20 255 255 TM / SI - 100 100 20 305 305 TM / SI - 150 150 20 360 360 TM SI - 200 200 20 410 410
± 30 horizontal
± 30 horizontal
± 30 horizontal
± 30 horizontal
naturel / natural
Edition Novembre 2010
aluminium / aluminium 3
Le joint est livré prêt à poser avec des cadres en aluminium qui seront enlevés après avoir positionné et ¿xé le joint. Le montage s’effectue avec des ¿xations mécaniques ou chimiques tous les
30 cm, posées en quinconces de part et d’autre du pro¿lé. The pro¿le is supplied pre-¿tted with aluminium clamps that should only be removed after positioning and ¿xing the joint itself. For installation, use mechanical or chemical ¿xings every linear meter (1 every 30 cm), alternately on each side of the pro¿le.
© GV2 - 2010 - Tous droits réservés - All rights reserved
- GV2/VEDA France - 52, avenue marcel Paul - 93297 Tremblay en France Cedex - Tel : + 33 (0)1 48 61 70 80 - Fax : + 33 (0)1 48 61 70 81 E-mail : - web :
All metal floor expansion joint Wide gap XXL
Series TM / 110-130 / 250-300
All metal floor expansion joint for exterior and interior use, made of 2 drilled aluminium side plates and a heavy duty aluminium central plate allowing expansion and contraction of the joint as well as vertical movement and unlimited shearing movement. Aluminium side plates are supplied in length of 2 meters.
Profile number Fb [mm] H
[mm] S [mm] B [mm] Movement [mm] Charge [kN]
TM / 110-130 110 35 / 50 / 80 130 250 ± 20
TM / 250-300 250 50 / 80 300 410 ± 50 horizontal / ± 20 vertical
Edition September 2010
The profile is supplied pre-fitted with aluminium clamps that should only be removed after positioning and fixing the joint itself. For installation, use 7 mechanical or chemical fixings every linear meter (1 every 30 cm), alternately on each side of the profile.
© GV2 - 2010 - Tous droits réservés - All rights reserved
- GV2/VEDA France - 52, avenue marcel Paul - 93297 Tremblay en France Cedex - Tel : 33 (0)1 48 61 70 80 - Fax : 33 (0)1 48 61 70 81 E-mail : - web :
Joint de dilatation de sol sismique Seismic floor expansion joint
Série AVF
Joint de dilatation de sol en aluminium pour extérieur et intérieur. Parasismique. Existe en version sol / sol et sol / mur.
Aluminium seismic expansion joint for floor, exterior and interior use. Floor / floor
[mm] S [mm] B [mm] Movement [mm] Charge [kN]
TM / 110-130 110 35 / 50 / 80 130 250 ± 20
TM / 250-300 250 50 / 80 300 410 ± 50 horizontal / ± 20 vertical
Edition September 2010
The profile is supplied pre-fitted with aluminium clamps that should only be removed after positioning and fixing the joint itself. For installation, use 7 mechanical or chemical fixings every linear meter (1 every 30 cm), alternately on each side of the profile.
© GV2 - 2010 - Tous droits réservés - All rights reserved
- GV2/VEDA France - 52, avenue marcel Paul - 93297 Tremblay en France Cedex - Tel : 33 (0)1 48 61 70 80 - Fax : 33 (0)1 48 61 70 81 E-mail : - web :
Joint de dilatation de sol sismique Seismic floor expansion joint
Série AVF
Joint de dilatation de sol en aluminium pour extérieur et intérieur. Parasismique. Existe en version sol / sol et sol / mur.
Aluminium seismic expansion joint for floor, exterior and interior use. Floor / floor
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