Catalog produse VOGT 2015 VOGT

Limba: Engleza
93 afisari
Tip documentatie: Catalog, brosura
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Pagina 1- Catalog produse VOGT 2015 VOGT Catalog, brosura Engleza Catalog
VOGT Hammer
VOGT TurboSpade VOGT...
Pagina 2- Catalog produse VOGT 2015 VOGT Catalog, brosura Engleza s conditions. Subject to change without...
Pagina 3- Catalog produse VOGT 2015 VOGT Catalog, brosura Engleza r VH 60.18

the low vibration machine for...
Pagina 4- Catalog produse VOGT 2015 VOGT Catalog, brosura Engleza 5,6 kg

VH 60-110.18
110 cm
6,0 kg

Pagina 5- Catalog produse VOGT 2015 VOGT Catalog, brosura Engleza ise you.

General construction renovators...
Pagina 6- Catalog produse VOGT 2015 VOGT Catalog, brosura Engleza Flat chisel M 200
1 Scraper holder M 5000
Pagina 7- Catalog produse VOGT 2015 VOGT Catalog, brosura Engleza g & Parquet

1 Delta-P knife M 408.18...
Pagina 8- Catalog produse VOGT 2015 VOGT Catalog, brosura Engleza ual


Art. No.

VH 50-130.18 130 cm
Pagina 9- Catalog produse VOGT 2015 VOGT Catalog, brosura Engleza e - with
pleasure we advise you.

Pagina 10- Catalog produse VOGT 2015 VOGT Catalog, brosura Engleza ation


VH 50-130.18 130 cm
Pagina 11- Catalog produse VOGT 2015 VOGT Catalog, brosura Engleza ployment protection
1 Working gloves
1 Eye ...
Pagina 12- Catalog produse VOGT 2015 VOGT Catalog, brosura Engleza nstruction

70 cm

VH 60-70.18
With ...
Pagina 13- Catalog produse VOGT 2015 VOGT Catalog, brosura Engleza Eye protectors
1 Ear protection plugs
Pagina 14- Catalog produse VOGT 2015 VOGT Catalog, brosura Engleza S 60-80

80 cm

6,8 kg

VTS 60-80 T-XL

Pagina 15- Catalog produse VOGT 2015 VOGT Catalog, brosura Engleza 0
1 Air hose 10 m
1 VOGT Special-Oil 0,1 l
Pagina 16- Catalog produse VOGT 2015 VOGT Catalog, brosura Engleza ood for dry cleaning of armoured concrete...
Pagina 17- Catalog produse VOGT 2015 VOGT Catalog, brosura Engleza ng

Canvas strengthened synthetic hose...
Pagina 18- Catalog produse VOGT 2015 VOGT Catalog, brosura Engleza ls
1 Aeration-tube 95 cm with
Pagina 19- Catalog produse VOGT 2015 VOGT Catalog, brosura Engleza Subject to change without notice.

Pagina 20- Catalog produse VOGT 2015 VOGT Catalog, brosura Engleza ncrete remains,
projection, roadmarkings
Pagina 21- Catalog produse VOGT 2015 VOGT Catalog, brosura Engleza 00.18
B 50 S
B 70 S
B 100 S
B 120 S
B 160 S...
Pagina 22- Catalog produse VOGT 2015 VOGT Catalog, brosura Engleza 60 LF
B 120 T


B 160 T

Pagina 23- Catalog produse VOGT 2015 VOGT Catalog, brosura Engleza  wedge

902 060

fastening set for...
Pagina 24- Catalog produse VOGT 2015 VOGT Catalog, brosura Engleza btragenƒ
ƒ cutting and removing...
Pagina 25- Catalog produse VOGT 2015 VOGT Catalog, brosura Engleza 0


M 200.18 B

M 200 BL

14 260/40
Pagina 26- Catalog produse VOGT 2015 VOGT Catalog, brosura Engleza our standard business conditions. Subject...
Pagina 27- Catalog produse VOGT 2015 VOGT Catalog, brosura Engleza l joints
ƒƒ removing bonded pavement

Pagina 28- Catalog produse VOGT 2015 VOGT Catalog, brosura Engleza 
GWA 140 H

GWA 140.18 H

trepanning root...
GWA 140 H GWA 140.18 H trepanning root balls l = 540 b = 140 GWA 140 LH GWA 140.18 LH Half-round spade shoveling and undermining l = 430 b = 160 GHA 160 H GHA 160.18 H Root ball spade trepanning root balls l = 450 b = 160 GBA 160 H GBA 160.18 H Clay spade small, for clay- and loam soil l = 470 b = 85/120 GTA 85 H GTA 85.18 H Face shovel cutting of soil, shoring, shovel work l = 440 b = 200 GSA 200 H GSA 200.18 H Root spade All Spades are delivered with Conical holder KH 140 or KH 140.18 Minor deviation of the dimensions are possible, because they are hand-forged For further sizes of Conical holder please turn to page 21 *The use of tools with 14 mm input are limited, due to leverage force All services are subject to our standard business conditions. Subject to change without notice. 18 Contact: +40(0)722 30 80 69 +40(0)21 348 32 00 Application example l/b [mm] 14 18 V 5108 H V 5108.18 H V 5130 H V 5130.18 H V 5170 H V 5170.18 ... ascunde

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Set pentru renovari

Fisa tehnica
2 p | EN
Hammer VH 30-90 S XL
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