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BASF - Working Below Zero

BASF - Working Below Zero

Working below zero

Safe construction solutions down to -25°C

The Challenge

Low temperatures, the sudden onset of winter and cold nights can mean the end of progress for many construction projects. Often construction projects are interrupted and cannot be restarted or completed until a much later date, resulting in major delays to schedules of work.
Depending on the geographic location, height and climatic characteristics involved, these critical conditions occur sooner or later during the year and at differing levels of severity. In addition, the duration and degree of restriction of the construction work may vary considerably. In areas where the winter is long and relatively harsh, very low temperatures bring construction work to a complete standstill for a long period. In other areas only the higher locations are affected by this situation. At the other end of the scale, in some regions construction work is possible throughout the year as temperatures only fall to within the critical range at night. This is a topic with many aspects and variables.
Conventional construction products generally require minimum temperatures of +5°C and above to start and support chemical reactions and processes. Low temperatures therefore mean that these chemical reactions either cannot function at all, may only work with a considerable time delay or will not reach completion.

The Solution

Low temperatures, however, do not have to result in the jobsite coming to a complete standstill during the transitional times of late autumn and early spring.
Extreme conditions require special products which have to offer perfect, predictable technical functionality despite these difficult cold circumstances.

BASF Construction Chemicals has a range of suitable products which have been formulated especially for such challenging conditions.

Your Benefits

Prolong the season - finish the job earlier, start the next job sooner

The use of products that work reliably even at cold temperatures is possible, prolonging the construction season in autumn to finish essential work without having to delay by weeks or even months. Equally, the following construction period can start earlier in the year.

Easier traffic management

In summer, during the holiday season and at peak travel times, highways are overcrowded and, as an added complication, traffic lanes are often closed for repairs. This can be avoided if the repairs are carried out earlier in spring or during the autumn. Not only does this help to reduce traffic jams but it also contributes to general traffic management safety and can cut down the number of accidents.

Product performance
Products applied under difficult cold weather conditions must offer the assurance of maximum reliability and durability.

Make the most of night working

Infrastructure work primarily requires rapid completion and the immediate release of the route to traffic. In autumn and spring in particular, temperatures drop considerably at night. Therefore the products used must guarantee that work at night and/or work started during the day can be securely accomplished and completed so that the affected area can be released to traffic as quickly as possible.

Work smarter to meet deadlines

Why postpone necessary work again and again to wait until temperatures allow work to begin? Why run the increased risk of contractual penalties when products that can be applied when the work needs to be done are available?

Cost reduction
Only products specially formulated for difficult climatic conditions can reduce costs, because they can be used without the complex creation of appropriate work conditions. The cost and energy intensive use of heating equipment, tents, etc. is thus avoided, simplifiying logistics.

Traffic Repair

The aim of traffic management is to keep maintenance and other traffic disruptions to a strict minimum even under wintery weather conditions. Furthermore, in summer, during the holiday season and at peak travel times, highways are overcrowded and, as an added complication, traffic lanes are often closed for repairs. Therefore well-planned and timed traffic management is a prerequisite. Products used in this field of application have to be:
• Rapid in order to cause only short disruption periods, thus shortening traffic works and allowing faster reopening to traffic.
• Highly durable to keep maintenance to a strict minimum
• Fast setting and hardening even at sub-zero temperatures to make them suitable for works under cold weather conditions and for urgency repair work.

Main benefits:
• Public safety by preventing accidents from happening
• Safety of the workers by shortening periods of disruption
• Safety of drivers and passengers by limiting traffic jams caused by lane closures
• Reduction of traffic jams during holiday season and peak travel times


Fields of Application: Airports


Despre BASF
BASF este lider mondial in domeniul chimic: "The Chemical Company". Portofoliul sau cuprinde o gama larga de produse, de la substante chimice de baza, produse pentru industria materialelor plastice, produse de performanta, pana la produse chimice pentru agricultura, produse de sintezaa, precum si petrol si gaze. Partener de nadejde al tuturor sectoarelor industriale, BASF participa la cresterea succesului clientilor sai. Cu produsele sale de mare valoare si sistemul inteligent de solutii, BASF are un rol important in gasirea solutiilor la problemele globale precum protectia mediului, folosirea eficienta a resurselor energetice, nutritie si mobilitate. BASF a realizat vanzari de peste 50 miliarde de EURO in 2009 si are aproximativ 105.000 de angajati. Actiunile BASF sunt listate la bursele de marfuri din Frankfurt (BAS), Londra (BFA) si Zurich (AN). Informatii suplimentare sunt disponibile pe internet la www.basf.com

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