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Launch of a Memorandum of Understanding for Architectural Excellence in Georgia

In a major step forward to promote architectural excellence and technological integration in the construction sector, SHARE Architects, Artstudio Project, Association Architects of Georgia (AAG), and Architecture and Design Group have collaboratively signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). This agreement marks a cornerstone in promoting Georgian architectural talent and practices on an international scale.

Launch of a Memorandum of Understanding for Architectural Excellence in Georgia

The collaboration protocol lays out the groundwork for the Georgian Architecture Days, a series of events centered on architecture scheduled for October 10 to 12 in Tbilisi.

Under this MOU, each party commits to various responsibilities aimed at uplifting the architectural landscape in Georgia. SHARE Architects, renowned for orchestrating the SHARE International Architecture and Technology Forum, will be at the forefront, organizing the prestigious event in Georgia. Over the past 26 years, the SHARE Architects’ Forums have become an important networking platform for architects and contractors in Central and South-Eastern Europe. SHARE provides a useful framework for knowledge and understanding of the diversity of modern architectural phenomena. SHARE Architects events are presently taking place in 16 countries and have developed a community of over 50,000 professionals.

ARTSTUDIO PROJECT, represented by Founder Arch. George Sulaberidze, will act as the ambassador of the SHARE Architects in Georgia, offering vital consultancy about the local market and representing SHARE Architects in both local and international forums.

Association Architects of Georgia( AAG), under the leadership of Founder Arch. Dimitri Mosulishvili, will organize the ArchiAwards Competition during the Georgian Architecture Days.

The program for the Georgian Architecture Days will be enriched with debates, case studies, and discussions featuring international architectural figures engaging with architecture students.

In their commitment to promoting Georgian architecture on both a European and international level, SHARE Architects will host the exhibition “Contemporary Georgian Architecture – The Last 10 Years” in Istanbul this December. Coordinated by Architecture and Design Group, represented by Arch. Zakaria Kurdiani, the exhibition aims to showcase and celebrate the most impactful architectural works in Georgia over the past decade. It will be inaugurated at the SHARE X Conference for advanced architecture, which is set to take place at the Istanbul Modern Art Museum, an iconic building designed by Renzo Piano.

This collaboration not only signifies a unified effort to elevate the architectural profession in Georgia but also provides a platform for sharing best practices, knowledge, and innovations. By engaging internationally recognized speakers and promoting local architects, this initiative promises to enrich the professional community and foster continuous learning and development.

The MOU was officially signed on April 23, sealing the commitment of all parties involved to a future of collaborative success and innovation in Georgian architecture. The shared vision and concerted efforts are set to commence with events planned throughout 2024, creating a robust framework for ongoing educational and professional enhancement in the fields of architecture and construction.

Launch of a Memorandum of Understanding for Architectural Excellence in Georgia

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